I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was certainly eventful.
We have had so, so much rain over the last week and on Friday night I got a phone call from Amanda Schlatre, a coworker of mine who went home from work that night to find a little kitten huddled on her front porch. Amanda is highly allergic to cats, and she knew I had gotten my dog Clarence from Friends for Life, a no-kill animal shelter in Houston, and wanted to know how to get the kitty into their program. I told her to drop off the kitty on Saturday morning to my house and I would foster it, then take it to the shelter.
Problem was…kitty and I started to bond.
I knew this bonding business could be trouble, so after I fully bathed and fed her, I went to the shelter to see if they were taking kittens, and found out they are not for at least another month. So I went back home and well…more bonding happened––this time in my quilt studio where she was very curious about my equipment.
She was fascinated by my Bernina!
And after trying to figure out what my Thermofax machine did exactly, she thought my ironing pad was a great place to perch and tease Clarence.
We auditioned my fabric locker bins with various colored fabrics to act as a temporary kitty bed. She looked great in blue, her complementary color!
She blended in a little too much with all of that orange.
But she seemed to really like the green bin, which just so happens to be my favorite color.
So for the rest of the weekend I carted her around in her green fabric locker basket, where she could observe weekend chores like juicing.
I knew I needed to give her a name, and I reflected on how fierce she is, and how she stands her ground with Clarence. She is a little she-dragon, and so I have named her…
Khaleesi is separated from the other pets in my house, but tonight I have a vet appointment and will get her fully checked out and all of her shots in order. If she doesn’t pose any health problems that would be problematic to my other pets, then she will be my newest quilt studio pet—a nice way to start my week.
Do you have a studio pet on your blog? If so, please leave a link to your blog in the comments area so we can see!
Yay for Khaleesi! She’s so cute!
As a huge nerd, geek, and fan of the show, I love her name. Congrats!!!!
What a perfect name!
This is my studio sweetie, Pumpkin, who will be 19 in October! http://approachable-art.blogspot.com/2009/08/these-are-days.html
oh, I hope the vet appt goes perfectly! she is adorable and your photos of her are precious. What a cutie! here’s my family: http://janeville.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2012-04-16T03:00:00-07:00&max-results=20&start=49&by-date=false
Well, of course, I have a studio pet, or two….doesn’t everyone? I’ve dubbed my two Stretch and Quizzie which fits their personalities perfectly! Love your little Khaleesi.
So you failed fostering too?? I have as well, many times. Being a marmalade kitty Khaleesi is going to be full of purrsonlaity–I guarantee it. I have 8 kitties who take turns making trouble in my studio. All can be viewed on FB!
I love the name. Becareful with cats. . .Thread,pins and needles.
I do have a studio pet. Sissy, she is a chihuahua mix around 12 lbs. She would love to sit next to me all day ,but hard to do as I stand at the longarm.
Jessy is my studio pet. She is 3 lb. of toy poodle who is 17 years old this year!
Khaleesi is adorable! My Border Collie Mix basically refuses to come into my office/studio except for after she’s had a bath she runs in there and rolls her wet body all over the carpet … go figure. When I got her 6 years ago I had visions of her being my constant companion as I worked and sewed. I even have a day bed in there for her to lay on, but she prefers to spend her day on our bed or on the couch in the basement. Oh well, I love her anyway and she’s a great dog! Here’s a picture of her at the end of this post. http://cindylarsen.wordpress.com/2012/07/03/new-fabric/
I knew you would keep her. Very cute! Deborah
Loving the name Khaleeshi and loving her as well, she’s a real sweetie. My studio assistants can be seen at
They are always ‘helping out’, lol x
I am so happy you decided to keep her! My kitties are glad too. They are named for Jane Austen characters. Currently I have two, Lizzy and Georgie (Elizabeth Bennet and Georgiana Darcy). Emma and Harriet have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
You were’nt fooling any of us, we all knew khaleesi was never leaving your house
She’s adorable, I love the expression on Clarence’s face looking at her on the ironing pad. See you soon!
Beautiful kitty, with a perfect name. May Khaleesi live long and prosper (sorry about the mixed metaphor!)
Khaleesi is adorable. So glad you decided to keep her. It will be interesting to see what Louie and Edgar have to say about Khalessi.
I have two studio cats but Mister Eko thinks it is his domain and does all he can to kick Keiko out! I just did a post about Mister recently: http://somethingcleveraboutnothing.blogspot.com/2012/06/hanging-with-mom.html
(SMILE) I too hope all goes well at the vet. I just love orange kitties! I had one years ago, and he was so friendly and outgoing. I find that to be a common trait with these guys.
I love Clarence’s expressions… priceless.
My studio companion is my angel of love, Ms. Louis, a yorkie.
My Lucca is an integral part of all my creative endeavors as his favorite place to be is by my side while I sew or preferably on my fabric (of course!) He appears in my blog from time to time:http://cherylrazmus.blogspot.com/2012/06/refueling-hybrid.html (look for him here as the wallpaper on my phone) and here, http://cherylrazmus.blogspot.com/2012/05/im-old-so-what.html, staring out from behind an embroidered screen I designed.
Purrfect name for a little bit of orange fluff with cattitude. You have such a big heart and I love that you have rescued your fur-family. I have a Papillon named Kenai and a siamese-himalayan kitty named Chai. Chai eats thread so must be kept from my room to protect his intestines from danger. He one day got in there, hid in the closet and we couldn’t find him for hours! Finally he talked back so we could follow his voice. I guess fabric makes a good place to snuggle as he was quite happy.
My constant companion is an apricot standard poodle called Cassie, she is 12 years young and her favorite thing is to sit in the middle of piles of fabric I’m auditioning on the floor or any quilt top I’m trying to sandwich together. So glad you kept your kitty, my husband had one with the same markings when we met and was very adorable, although with a mind of her own. We still talk about her antics.
My three condiment named helpers all in one place! http://alimakes.blogspot.com/2012/04/working-on-patchwork-prism-qal.html I’ve gotten a design wall since then so they don’t sit on my stuff so much, but they still manage to suffer hanging out with me when I work!
I must say your new quilting buddy is simply adorable, I realy wanted an orange kitty last time we went to the shelter. However the look my husband just gave me when I suggested getting a fourth cat to name Catsup really makes it unlikely that will happen
Kahleesi is a beautiful name and I love marmalade kitties. They have the best personalities. I have 3 studio cats that are 16, 7, 1.5 kitty years. The eldest was a rescue and the other two found my house through kitty smoke signals or however they notify homeless friends of homes of softies. Bobcat is the middle kitty and male. He arrived during a snow storm that dumped 2 feet of snow and bitter temps. He is lame. His previous “owners” abused him. Both of his hips had been fractured and not tended to, so he sits funny with his toes pointed out. Kitty arrived last winter, again in a storm. She is a lover and is content to sit on a pile of fabric and purr. I think found kitties are such wonderful pets and give more love in thanks for you loving them.
You’re a saint. You get mucho points in with Kona Bay Fabrics:):):) Doug
You are so kind to take in this kitten! I have two cats, one is a big-time sewing helper. http://phatchickdesigns.blogspot.com/2012/07/our-sewing-assistants.html
Oh my gosh, Pokey – we have FIVE pets because of this whole “fostering” thing. It’s a crock, I tell you!
Tyler – cutest dog in the world at the bottom of this post:
Maggie, Mitzie, and Jessie:
And Jack – who I call The Day Supervisor (as he more or less lives in my studio)
in the middle of this post:
P.S. Love your new addition!
Awwww ~ such a tiny kitty! I hope she gets to stay ’cause she looks so comfy in her basket of fabric! Love orange kitties!
Love the kitten. Linda Carter has a valid point…my friend Chris had major vet bills when Monkey ( a cat) ate thread. I have 3 cats, 2 (Squeaky, a silver tabby & Mama Cat a tuxedo) found me and made themselves at home. The youngest (Pearl) I rescued from a home that was to be torn down. The elderly owner had died and the heirs abandoned both of her cats. Pearl always hangs out with me when I am working on a project.
She is so cute and so lucky to have found you!! Our studio cat is Lucy. Here she is from a post in March http://constantlyquilting.blogspot.com/2012/03/granny-square-quilt-along-blocks.html which reminds me I need to add her to more posts! Thanks for your wonderful blog.
I have two studio aliens that love to lay atop whatever I am working on. Link is here:
My dog Fletcher likes to watch me sew, but I actually have a permanent resident in my sewing room- my hedgehog Sullivan. I have pictures on this post but not in his “natural” habitat… http://pennydog.wordpress.com/2012/06/30/a-hedgehog-and-a-little-giveaway/
I have a miniature Schnauzer, “Bizzi”. Her job is to keep the polaris in the pool, squirrels in the trees, and if I don’t pay enough attention to her while in my studio she will “borrow” something and run off with it. Oh! And she knows how to drive! http://leslietuckerjenison.blogspot.com/2011/05/fun-happenings-in-studio-and-in-car.html
i wish i could have more cats! i love the baby period of their life! enjoy the most!
I too was the recipient of a previously unwanted cat…unwanted by me…I never wanted a cat. My brother in law past and we all of a sudden had a cat….named Twinky….I was worried about all the hair as a fiber artist….but now…6 years later…my heart is Twinkies. She is my confidant, licks my tears off my face when I am sad and is everywhere that I am….and my fabric and wool will just have to have little orange hairs on it…because there are priorities in life…and love wins. Heres to your new love journey.
Awww, what a lucky little kitty, but of course you (and Clarence) are lucky too! My Sheltie Stirling often joins me in my studio, here’s a pic of him where he often sleeps, next to my fabric storage cart!
When I started to read your post, I just knew the fostering thing would end up in a “love and keep” thing! I so lover her name. Here is my little assistant Zoie, http://lmpoole.blogspot.com/2009/12/eve-zoie-wants-her-quilt-peak-into-my.html
I’m chuckling at Kit’s comment above saying fostering is a crock! LOL! I could never foster. We’ve had enough ferals we have cared for, kittens from their litters who are now our indoor tamed kitties, and cats we’ve cared for who sadly we think were dumped out here in the “country.” If I intentionally fostered, I’d be a crazy cat lady. Love that you are keeping her (him? most orange cats are boys but there is an occasional girl!) and LOVE Clarence’s look in the pics. A very gentle dog!
Of course you’re keeping her!! Clarence needs her too!