Some SAQA friends, my first round of artists, stopped by my place this past Friday afternoon:

From left to right: Judy Perez, Lisa Walton, Cara Gulati, Jenny Lyon, Me, Martha Wolfe
It was a lovely visit! We toasted with champagne, rifled through some discarded wood for mixed media projects from the art barn construction site, plucked lemons from lemon trees, and talked a long time about sewing machines.
Having these talented friends over was a total boost and affirmation of what I am trying to do here in Napa. And their visit inspired me to put together a short video of the progress made thus far for the art barn.
I hope you enjoy! The website reference on the final clip–– it’s not live right now, but will be in less than three weeks!
fabulous!! it’s almost there! xoxox
Good luck, looks like a fantastic project!
This is fabulous, Pokey! Someday I hope to be there and have something to contribute to this wonderful creative community. I know I have a lot to learn from them. Geez – I swear I could smell the bread and taste that Pokey Pour!
Blessings and much grace for the treasure you are creating. It will bring much joy to many.
Just with this post alone I learned something! Thanks Judy for the faced binding tutorial!
Wow Wow Wow Pokey! Is there space for out of towners to stay on site if we come to take classes? I’m already planning on flying out and my husband can follow behind via BMW motorcycle, then we can both do some site seeing on two wheels :). What is the name of your town? Prayers and blessing to you!
Hi Jodie, lots of places in downtown Napa and surrounding areas, and I am planning events offsite (downtown) too. So the answer is yes!
So exciting to see the progress! It’s looking great! I can tell it will be full of joy and creative discovery!
Love this!!! Got chills watching the video 🙂 xoxo
So very inspiring! You are a Visionary, with the strength and bravery to put legs to your dreams!
Takes my breath away for the sheer courage to take on this immense challenge!
Pokey. I watched it twice. First time in awe holding back the tears. The second time in awe with tears flowing. You are a power of example for women to grab life and do it! So honored to watch your dream come true. It’s our dream too. One never knows in life who we will inspire. You were inspired, now look what you have accomplished. I hold you in high esteem not only for your big dreams and accomplishments but for your intuitiveness, tenderness, thoughtfulness, generosity and kindness. Lives are changing and will continue to change because of you. This is the beginning of a new beginning. I never cried watching a construction site. Tears of joy and hope. Xx
Aw, Midge. Thank you. Those are really kind words…I don’t deserve ’em and I am so thankful for the community of quilters and artists. I am on the receiving end and feel so much gratitude that I am a part of this community. And…I am so grateful for the smile you gave me with this…”I never cried watching a construction site.” That made me chuckle so much. Can I put that down on my resume if I need it?! 🙂
Hey. I’ll be in your neighborhood and will stop by to see this wonderful new world you’re putting together. Tuck in tow.
I’ve been following your project on Instagram; great to see you following your dream. I’m so excited for you and can’t wait to come out and take a class!
Wow…this is amazing and I’m with Midge…brings tears to my eyes to see your dream come to fruition. I sooo want to take classes in your Art Barn.
This is thrilling Pokey! Not just seeing your dreams take shape which is omg thrilling enough…. but also knowing how you are inspiring others to dream and fulfill their own too.