I hope everyone had a good weekend! I spent mine pondering my pond. It is located in my side yard where I like to sit quietly and hand stitch after a long day’s work.
My fish pond can be viewed from both my office and my quilt studio, and is a sublime place to relax. The pond is too small for koi, but there are a variety of goldfish that reside here, as well as “Houston toads,” an endangered species of toads local to the area. (For all of you herpetologists, its proper name is the Bufo Houstonensis.)
Earlier this year I began hearing load noises at night from my pond area, and I worried it was some kind of rabid raccoon. But nope, it was the load trill of a male Houston toad. (Have a listen to a male Houston toad here.)
As a new pond owner, I have learned a lot about water plants, how to keep this pond clean, and the fish fed and healthy. What I wasn’t prepared for were predators!
This past Friday morning I woke up to let my dogs out and found one of these creatures just outside on the ledge of the pond, looking intently into the pond’s murky depths…
I had never seen one of these before, and as I was staring at it, mouth agape, all of a sudden–to my horror–it dove into the pond, plucked a Houston toad, and carried it high into a tree. I felt so bad for that little toad, and when I flew out of my French doors in my pajamas and screamed at the bird to DROP IT!, the heron looked down at me and promptly ate it.
I then decided there was no way I was going to be outsmarted by a bird. But this guy was persistent and had a friend, and they didn’t want to leave anytime soon. So I took my fish net, and thrashed it about like a sword above my head, trying to scare them away. But eventually I had to put the fish net down and go to work.
This weekend I went to a water garden nursery to ask their advice about how to handle the herons, and I learned a few things that will help me protect the toads and fish from predators. For instance I need to invest in Blue Heron decoys, underwater fish caves for hiding, and more water lilies to protect them from view.
Quilters: Friends of Frogs?
I know I am not the only quilter who has a love affair with frogs, toads, and amphibious creatures in general. I’ve come across a number of quilted frogs in my day.
Take for instance this pieced quilt that was touring the International Quilt Festivals two years ago:

“Sunset Ceremony at the Pond”
44 x 44″ by Susan L. Griffin of Mossomin, Saskatchewan, Canada
This quilt was featured in our “O Canada 2010” exhibit.
Other famous quilters have used frog imagery quite effectively in their quilts, like Ellen Anne Eddy with her quilt “Balcony Scene” or “The Problem with Princes” that resides in Caryl Bryer Fallert’s Studio.
Oh yeah…I made a frog quilt a while ago, too:
And frogs aren’t just featured in quilts, many folks have named their quilt businesses after frogs, like the quilt store The Purple Frog in Jefferson, Oregon, or the online business The Quilted Frog (not to be confused with the long-arm machine business, quiltfrog.com).
I also noticed that at last year’s Spring Quilt Market, it wasn’t just owls that were the trend of the season, lots of frog quilt patterns and fabrics were hoppin’, too.
Maudlin-Free Monday Question:
So my question to you is, what do you think the next big quilt trend will be at this upcoming Fall Quilt Market in a few months? Hmmm…what have we seen a lot of lately: owls, frogs, bicycles, mustaches, chevrons, stripes, and polka-dots. What do you think will be next?
And in good Maudlin-Free Monday fashion, I am giving away 15 fat quarters of the Puppy Park line by Bella BLVD for Riley Blake Designs. Maybe quilting hasn’t gone to the frogs, it has gone to the…. (Ok, I know that was corny.)
Make your quilted prediction in the comments area and I will pick someone randomly and announce in my next post!
Previous Book Winner…
And congrats to Ali M as you are the winner of the Weeks Ringle book! Please email me at pokeybATquilts.com with your address, and I will get your book to you!
Let’s see…I think it will be elephants. I guess that’s as good as any other answer! See ‘About’ in my profile for contact info. Thanks for a great giveaway, Pokey! 🙂
I’ve been told by a younger quilter that it will be deer!
It’s been a while since paisley was hot, I think it’s overdue. Hilda
Not to copycat, but I also think it will be elephants…I must have read that somewhere. Pokey, I still want to buy your frog even though you turned me down once. Best of luck with your pond. It’s gorgeous by the way and thank you for your generous giveaway…very cute fabric.
Peggy, unfortunately, I think this little froggy quilt got lost in transit from Boston to Houston. ;( But thank you for the kind words about it. I am glad I had taken a picture of it!
Maybe fall will have barnyard friends like ducks, chickens, roosters and maybe even rabbits.
I think it will be more African-type wild animals in that retro-vintage-60’s style, not just elephants but lions and tigers and reeboks, oh my!
I am really hoping for squirrels. I have seen a few in fabric, but hope to see more. Thanks for an entertaining blog!!
Well since I am obsessed lately with houses I’d like to see it be that. I love that you’re trying to protect your frogs!
I’m no good at guessing these things, but I’m really liking the foxes that I’m seeing in some of the fabric lines.
This fabrics is so cool- I’d make a puppy dog quilt with it for my great nephew. Hope I win and thanks for the give away.
I am a relatively new owner of an adorable long-hair mini-dachshund and am delighted by all things doggy. I’d love to win that cute dog fabric.
I am going to guess Angry Birds! 🙂 Beautiful pond and I can visualize you going after the Herons!
I predict something cat related! >^..^<
I am never good at guessing these things…but I’m thinking it’s about time for some elephants.
I predict zebra prints. Your pond is beautiful.
My first reaction was elephants,but I see 3 other awesome quilters said that, so I am going to go with koalas-)
I think that the trend will be high contrast designs. Like black stylized vines or flowers on red or magenta backgrounds.
I have no idea, but just for fun I’ll say turtles. I would have paid a large sum of money to see you waving that net around and screaming at the night Herons! My friend who has a Koi pond has had similar issues. Some little overhangs to serve as covered protection, as well as at least one deeper area of water has prevented much piracy. Raccoons are really bad about this, too. The toads are awesome!
Nice pond Pokey! And those fatties are to die for, so cute. My grandson is fascinated with elephants, so I’ll guess jungle creatures. Monkeys would be fun too.
Pandas or whales???
Have been collecting miniature elephants for nearly 30 years now, so would be happy to see them in fabric too.
How about herons and egrets on fabric? They are beautiful birds. I feel bad about the frogs being eaten, but also don’t want the herons to starve either. I imagine that they have evolved together in a web chain of life and death over the centuries.
Oh, Meg, I agree. I don’t want the Herons to starve, I just hope they don’t eat these little guys who are an endangered species. There is a great local bayou that I want to point out to the herons and tell them to go snack over there! 😉
Arctic creatures- in a cutesy or simplistic style. I’m mostly thinking narwhals and arctic gulls… but maybe seals and polar bears too.
Solid colors will start trending more in all sorts of different hues. Personally, I think Poodles are due for a come back. Mine is always by my side and is an apricot standard.
Squirrels and more prints similar to Little Apples.
birds and bugs are my prediction for textile trends…love them in whimsical prints.
Sloths please!
Ha ha ha!!!
That’s a good one Carmen! Did you ever see that clip of the actress Kristen Bell freaking out when her boyfriend brought a sloth over to visit her? Too good… 🙂
Gibson Girl illustrations! and other Vintage drawings. Perhaps Tea-related themes.
I would like it to be squirrels!
poor frogs!
Bamboo; both the color and the plant/fiber.
Water leafs and flowers ( ie water lillies), ponds, Koi.
I think ombre is the next big trend, but an animal…. hmmm… maybe raccoons!
I’m going to guess Sci-Fi related, campy style. As far as what I would like personally, I’d go with exotic reptiles or various praying mantises, but I sincerely doubt that will be a trend.
My prediction is that the next trend will be tea cups or crowns for everything going on in the UK this year.
It’s very great koi pond. I like it.