Last week one of my co-workers, Vicki Mangum was all aflutter when she came into the office. She stopped at my door, slightly out of breath, and said, “I couldn’t sleep last night! All I could think about was your dog Louie in the bike basket and he needed a quilted little pad to ride around on.”
I guess she thought my wadded up terrycloth towel could be improved upon:
Then she whipped this out of her tote:
“Since you are new to Texas, I thought it should have a Texan flair,” she added.
I was very grateful for this unexpected gift. And now while I admire the fabric with hunky men in cowboy hats, Louie can now cruise through Houston in style!

I know Louie looks a little glum in this shot but it’s because he knew this was just a photo op–I wasn’t actually going to take him riding, as I had to go to work!
How to Make a Quick & Easy Bike Pad for Your Pooch
• Batting
• Sewing machine, thread, scissors, and general quilt supplies
1. Measure the bottom of your bike basket and add 1″ all around. Cut top and backing fabric and two pieces of batting to these dimensions.
2. Pin the two layers of batting to the top fabric. (Extra batting/cushioning makes for more comfortable cruising!)
3. With your sewing machine, free-motion stitch through these three layers.
4. Place your backing fabric on top of your top fabric, right sides together. Pin in Place.
5. Sew all the way around, leaving a 1.5″ opening.
6. Pull everything through the 1.5″ opening so it is right sides out.
7. Slip stitch the opening closed.
This is a very simple project that any pooch would appreciate.
Thanks, Vicki!
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