UPDATE! Congratulations to Julia Hyll! Please email me at pokeybATquilts.com to send you the pink fabrics! Thanks for answering, everybody!
When October came around, I noticed in my health club’s women’s locker room they hung laminated fliers from the shower heads with diagrams for conducting a breast self exam. I thought to myself that was a good reminder ‘cuz I sure hadn’t done one in a while. However, I am good about getting my yearly mammograms, and I hope all of you are too!
In honor of all of you who have had to battle breast cancer, and in honor of our loved ones who have lost theirs, I thought I would do a small something and conduct a pink fabric giveaway. All you have to do is answer the following question and I’ll randomly select a winner later in the week.
Question: In addition to conducting your monthly exams and getting your yearly mammograms (if you are of the age), what is a healthy habit you have recently adopted?
Mine is pretty basic: I’ve cut down my caffeine intake to (at most) two cups of coffee each morning, and I drink a lot more water during the day. You?
I started water exercises. It has helped my pain and done wonders for my mental health.
Shirley Guillot
CMC Travel
Frost Bank Bldg. Rt. 1008
(409) 747-2652
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I am losing weight. 21 lbs so far
I’ve started making sure fresh fruit is always stocked and that I have at least one piece a day, a few weeks ago after realizing that since I’m the only one who eats fruit here, I’d stopped buying it because I was throwing it out – but I’d rather waste some than not be taking care of myself.. Thank you so much for the giveaway!
I quilt more for mental health!
I have started walking. easy right! but I learned to ski at Fifty, snorkel at Sixty and I just did my first 5K at Seventy.
Other than finishing, my biggest thrill was to finish only a minute and half behind my daughter who is 26 years younger than me!!
Started walking again. Not just for me…but for my sweetie pie dog, Abby. Too too many losses to cancer. Hope the miracle cure happens soon.
Doing more yoga!
I rejoined WeightWatchers.
I strated training in Sept for a run/walk 5K coming up on 10/26. The running is a bit tough on my body, but I’m going to keep up the brisk walking 3 times a week!
I take about 30 vitamins a day now. Even ones to help me sleep! And I drink water all day long at work..
How fitting that you would have this post today: I just made my yearly appointment for a mammogram! I am walking more often not having second helpings at any meals.
Cutting back on coffee and wine 🙁
I had breast cancer 9 years ago, and I never miss a yearly check-up, as I had done before. I also walk every day with my Westie Sammy, which keeps me active and vital.
I’ve started lifting light weights twice a week, weather permitting, on our deck. Seems easier than inside.
Eating healthy, walking with my personal trainer, Rocky (Aussie) and trying for less stressful lifestyle.
I adopted a new cat, a sweet 15year old “lady”. We both profit.
I am on day 7 of no Powerade. Type 2 Diabetes runs in my family and I can’t keep drinking all the corn syrup and be healthy!
Hi Pokey, I try to avoid any foods that are GMO and try to eat organic foods whenever I can afford it. I’ve lost 30 pounds since starting that!
I had breast cancer 13 years ago and am a survivor. yea! As a result, sedentary me (well, I AM a quilter, after all) started working out to strengthen my bones (after Tomoxafin) once a week, then increased to twice a week, then to 3x/week,
and in the last year 5 times a week. I alternate between Body Pump and Yoga. NOW I have decided this week to add in cardio with Body Step. I am a familiar face around our Recreation Center here in Broomfield. And at 63, I am in GREAT shape!
P.S. and I still have time to make puppy/cat postcards for Houston. Fun
I’ve lost 30 pounds, started walking (up to 3 miles a day now!) and quit drinking any diet drinks, more water, and less carbs!
I’ve become more aware of the importance of healthy food and have gone totally plant based – no animal products (as in vegan) but also only whole grains. I’ve also upped my donations to breast cancer support facilities.
My first hot drink of the morning contains honey, cinnamon and lemon which are all meant to have health benefits. I am hoping it is lowering my cholesterol but have not had a blood test as yet to find out.
I have lost 12 pounds and get to the gym for a swim at least 3 x’s a week.
I have started a walking routine. I try to eat healthier foods-more walnuts and fresh fruit.
Hi, I have begun eating healthier and have lost 26 pounds. And I too drink tons of water and less caffeine☺
Cindy Adams
Commander, U.S. Public Health Service
Regional Supervisor
Health Resources and Services Administration
Bureau of Clinician Recruitment and Service
1301 Young Street Suite 1030
Dallas, TX 75202
(214) 767-3201
FAX 214-767-3902
I’m one and a half year out from having breast cancer that was discovered in my yearly mammogram. These are so important, early detection does help to give you a better chance. Yoga and swimming, plus core strength are important to me to regain what I’ve lost through chemo. Quilting helped me and I started a lot of hand work that helped me keep my mind focused and a positive attitude helps with everything.
Exercise in the pool,no sugar,,,,,,the pool is at the y
I recently lost 11 pounds and am trying my darndest to keep it off. I drink lots of water and try to eat healthy food. That mixture of pink fabric is so eclectic! Gotta love it.
I am trying to cut back on snacking at night and eating less at every meal!
I try to walk more often. My 84 year old mother was just diagnosed with Breast cancer and her operation is October 28th. After the latest Quilting Arts came out with prayer flags, I made a banner to hang in her hospital room.
I’ve been gluten free for the past 8 months and it has made a world of difference in my joint pain. It’s also made me much more aware of what goes in my mouth, I now read all the ingredients in anything I buy keeping low sodium, no gluten and little or no soy.
I’ve cut way back on caffeine, I drink a lot of green tea, have started doing morning smoothies full of anti-inflammatory fruits and spinach and coconut water, and I’m trying to get more anti-inflammatory foods in me. Whew!
I quit drinking diet Pepsi all day and drink more water. Also get more fiber
I am trying very hard to cut my stress level. If things are overwhelming I go for a walk, and when I come back I realize that the are not as bad as I thought at first pass.
I’ve lost 45 lbs since the beginning of the year (through eating healthier) which has gotten my blood pressure back to normal.
I lost 22 pounds.
Thanks Pokey! Kb a grateful survivor
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I’m embarrassed to say that I picked smoking back up at 40-something. But, I’m so happy to report that I got my good senses back and have been smoke-free for over 3 years and NEVER gonna pick one up again.
… both of those plus regular exercise and collecting funds annually to contribute to the cancer foundation. Too many family and friends have been affected.
More veggies!
I have been caffeine free since July 30th!
I’ve cut out eating fast food for the most part. My BP, cholesterol & blood sugar thank me for it!
having lost two family members to cancer and my dear friend is battling now, i have turned my hole eating habits around as well as exerciseing more.
Like you, I’ve given up caffeine. I was a big soda drinker and I’ve been off since Jan. Lost 10 pounds too. Thanks for the fabric give-away.
I’ve gone gluten free and have lost almost 40 pounds. I also eat way more fish which I fought tooth and nail. Plus I now love asparagus and brussel sprouts. Walking more (yuck). So I guess all in all, I just started taking better care of me.
I’m increasing my fresh fruits and vegetables in my diet.
I am finally cutting down on carbs, and making sure veggies are foremost on the menu. If carbs come into the picture, they are organic, whole grain, and as varied as can be. Thanks to living near a wonderful food Co-Op, the OB People’s Food Co-Op, well, they make it easy with their wonderful newsletter and enticing, all-organic, non-GMO’s and etcl (no meat) choices. Yay for our Food Co-Ops, where ever member is an Owner!
In addition to cutting down the caffeine and drinking more water, I made an art quilt for Bobby, the kind woman who is the mammogram technician at our local hospital. She always has a smile and a goodie bag to give at the end of my appointment each October. I decided this year I would give her a “goodie.” I included pieces of the short blue gown I have to wear, the brochures, candy wrappers, and other goodie bag items on the quilt. Hope she likes it.
My brother had a heart attack earlier this year (bad family history). I saw my cardiologist for a check-up shortly thereafter and will start cholesterol medicine soon : (. In the meantime, I have drastically reduced intake of snack foods (chips are my weakness) and increased exercise by walking more in the beautiful fall weather.
Cutting out the carbs.
Walk 30 minutes every day
Stopped using all chemical sweeteners
Comme j’ai de la chance d’être en bonne santé et que je mange sainement, je couds pour l’association les coussins du cœur pour les femmes n’ayant pas eu de la chance et qui ont été opérées pour soulager l’effet gros bras. C’est pourquoi vos tissu seraient parfait pour cela……:))))
As I am lucky to be healthy and I eat healthily, I sew pillows for the association of heart for women who have not been lucky and have been made to alleviate the effect big arms. This is why your fabric are perfect for this …… :))))
Bests regards of Switzerland
Drinking tea instead of coffee, less wine :(, walking more!
After my 2nd bout of cancer I became much more proactive in my approach to staying cancer free and educated myself on the importance of eating a diet free of chemicals, additives and pesticides. As a result I adopted a vegetarian lifestyle and 2 years later I am still cancer-free!
I drink green tea and limit my carbs.
walking every day – drinking more water and cutting down on carbs
I am eating more veggies…..especially the orange ones. Squash is so great this time of year!
We’ve upped our vegetable intake by subscribing to a CSA!
More exercise, fruits and veggies.
I get yearly mammograms,walk everyday, and eat healthy. If I don’t do something creative each day I’m miserable
Im ” trying to quit smoking”.
I’m taking weekly pilates classes!!
Regular exercise.
I’ve started a class through my town’s recreation department called Strong Women, Strong Muscles. I am surprised to find that I love this class – weight lifting and toning with ladies of a certain age. Thanks for the giveaway – I love to quilt and hope to be able to continue lifting my sewing machine for many years to come!
In process of quitting smoking. Down to less than one pack a day, from two per day. Little longer and hopefully to zero = more money for fabric!
Tai Chi
i’ve started to cut back on sugary food intake and also increase the exercises.. 😀
Those pinks are SO pretty! 🙂
Like you, I ingested WAY too much caffeine….so…..I cut it out completely…except for an occasional chocolate fit. lol
Thanks for the chance to win such fun fabric!
I make sure my cosmetics and personal care items are natural, free of parabens and additives and use a deoderant stones. Thanks for doing something for Breast Cancer Awareness month.
I started eating grain free and mostly sugar free (according to Wheat Belly) and lost 37 pounds!
Drinking lots of water and trying to stay away from bread (which I love).
I’m watching my sugars and carbs. Anything white is off my diet: white bread, sugar, salt.
I’ve started eating less so I can take off a few pesky pounds.
Drinking more water (less Diet Coke) and walking daily, 30 minutes minimum. It’s only been 3 weeks since I’ve been really consistent and I feel better already!
Hi Pokey,
I’ve started walking, but not as much as I should. I’m still drinking way too much coffee these days. I am aware that I need to cut back, but now isn’t the right time for me. We’re all waiting to hear the results from my mom’s biopsy. She should get them back soon. Coming up on the two year mark of my dad’s death, he lost the battle with lung cancer. (I hate cancer)
Loving the fabric! I’ve been buying lots lately! 😉
I am trying to eat more fruits and veggies. I love making fresh salsa and I eat the whole bowl for lunch! Yummy